
Das postagens do blog

Linhas da minha alma...Linhas de um sonho...Linhas da minha imaginação...

Tudo 100% verdade ou 100% pura imaginação


Querido Diário,


Uma musica

You sit around and I watch your face
I try to find the truth
But that's your hiding place
You say you love me but it's hard to see
'Cause when he's in your arms
You're throwing rocks at me

Who do you love?
Is it me?
With you?
I don't know
Who do you love?
I don't want ya
If you can't answer
You know me

(There is nothing in your eyes)
There is nothing in your eyes
I walk around, I'm suffering in my doom
When I come to you
You're sitting in your room

You sit around in the strangest place
So take off the mask
So I can see your face
(Heaven must be wearing)
Heaven must be wearing
(Your smile is scary)
You know where you've been
(Insincere, empty tears)
Every year nanana
(Where's your soul? Where did it go?)

I walk around, I'm suffering in my doom
And when I come to you
You're sitting in your room

You sit around in the strangest place
So take off the mask
So I can see your face
Who do you love?
I don't want ya
If you can't answer
I don't know
I don't wanna talk about it
(let's talk about it)
I don't wanna talk about it
(let's talk about it)
I don't wanna talk about it
(let's talk about it)
Ps: enquanto tomava banho escutei essa musica, fato:. Li vc, e eu nela.
Parede vermelho tomate

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